Shipping Information
Shipping and Return Policies
Shipping, Warranty and Return Policies

Shipping, Warranty and Return Policies


All DTM systems and related hardware are custom configured and software loaded per the customers order, fully tested and verified for performance before shipping and thus, are non-cancelable and non-returnable except for warranty issues..  This process normally takes 2 to 3 days on average.  The default shipper is FedEx or UPS Ground depending upon your location. You may alternatively send us an email or fill out the comment form if you desire a faster method of shipment.

Our Warranty and Return / Refund Policy

FOR ONLINE HARDWARE PURCHASES THROUGH You may return any defective item for exchange or repair at our option for 1 year from date of delivery.  Returns will be checked against our online database and all hardware sold online are especially marked for our internal identification purposes.  Cusotmers must obtain an RMA number from CamVFX prior to returning the item under warranty for repair.  

SOFTWARE and HARDWARE PURCHASES are NON-REFUNDABLE in all other cases other than Warranted Defects.

  • Due to unknown physical circumstances, we may not warranty items where the electronics was subject to excessive strain, improper installation, abuse and/or obvious misuse. Batteries and damage from defective batteries are not covered.
  • We cannot offer any direct warranty service for items purchased from others, although related, retail stores. They have a separate established retail warranty procedure, which typically involves returning the item to the store where you purchased it. 
  • We will ONLY offer warranty replacement, or repair, on items purchased on-line at our store. All returns will be checked against our online order database.
  • No Credit will be issued for opened, crushed, or visually damaged items.  

Customers must pay for shipping to us, we will pay for the return shipping for valid claims.  Please do not ship items to us marked "Postage Due" as they will always be returned. 

If you are in doubt as to whether the warranty covers your items, please call email to us.

Copyright © CamVFX,  Poway, CA